Pioneering Efficient

Mobility & Energy Solutions

At Open Motors, we’re dedicated to advancing the landscape of mobility and energy. Our mission is to facilitate the movement of billions with sustainable energy solutions, all while optimizing costs (TCO) for a smarter, cleaner future in transportation.


a revolutionary EV Platform for R&D

Cutting-edge modularity

Compliant with L7e and M1 categories

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R&D Services

Crafting an EV Tailored to Your Vision:

From Concept to Creation (engineering/design/robotics)

Scaling Production from One to Millions (advanced manufacturing)

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Optimized for Economics and Efficiency (TCO)

Tailored for Mobility-as-a-Service & Logistics

Robust, Modular, Future-Proof

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Unique EV Battery Swap approach

10X more affordable, hyper-fast

Compatible with multiple standards

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Accelerating towards a sustainable horizon

The global automotive sector is experiencing a significant transformation. Traditional automakers are cautiously transitioning to electric vehicles, a process that contrasts with the rapid advancements propelled by IT companies.

The popularity of Mobility-as-a-Service (like Uber) and on-demand models (such as Amazon) is lessening the need for individual car ownership. The essential next step is to create a resilient and cost-effective infrastructure for electric vehicles, designed for today’s human-driven fleets and tomorrow’s AI-powered transport. This will lay the groundwork for a sustainable and proficient future in mobility.

Embrace this transformative journey with us, and together, we’ll steer towards a greener, more innovative tomorrow.


Embarking together on the journey of electric mobility

At Open Motors, we are honored to accompany entrepreneurs on their journey into the electric vehicle (EV) industry. Our EV platform serves as the foundation upon which your unique ideas can take shape, and our suite of services is here to support you every step of the way.

Your insight and expertise are invaluable as we collectively navigate the intricacies of new mobility. With our advanced charging and EV battery swap solutions, we ensure that your venture is not only a success but also a beacon of sustainability and efficiency.

We invite you, the innovators at the helm. Your vision and dedication are what will drive the future of transportation. Open Motors is more than a provider; we are your partner, committed to supporting your aspirations with our technology and expertise.

Let us embark on this journey together. Your role is essential, your contributions significant. Together, we will pave the way towards a new era of mobility, where electric vehicles lead the charge towards a cleaner, smarter future.

trusted & backed by

Y Combinator logo

In the heart of Silicon Valley, we at Open Motors were fortunate to cross paths with Sam Altman. His guidance during our time at Y Combinator, W16 batch, was invaluable. As a mentor, Sam shared insights on the scalability of businesses and the transformative power of AI, which extends far beyond autonomous driving. Our discussions on Universal Basic Income also opened our eyes to the broader implications of technological advancement.

We invested in Open Motors because it makes building a car easier than it’s ever been. Future car companies and transportation services will be powered by platforms like this the same way open source software enabled the incredible proliferation of web applications.
Sam Altman

CEO of OpenAI, and former President of Y Combinator

Sam’s belief in our mission is humbling. This encouragement from a leader in the field is a gentle reminder of our responsibility to innovate and contribute meaningfully to the world of mobility.